02 May, 2018

Crazy Mount Everest Facts!!!!!!!

Crazy Mount Everest Facts

By: Joel Gillard

        This blog post is all about Mount Everest. Mount Everest is located right in between China and Nepal, and it was formed when the Indian tectonic plate collided with the Asian tectonic plate 60 million years ago. Mount Everest is 29,035 ft tall and still growing that's right it grows about a quarter inch every year. Mount Everest isn't just on the border of Nepal and China it is the border of Nepal And China the summit is the border of Nepal and China. At the top of the mountain the wind can exceed speeds of 200 mph. those are some hopefully interesting facts about Mount Everest.


  1. I did not know that he mountain is close to 60 million years old! I wonder how long it took to get to be the highest and how it even started to grow. That is crazy to know. I also did not know that it can exceed speeds over 200 mph! How do people summit that with crazy wind speeds like that! They must be waiting for the right opening or time to get all the way up and summit Mount Everest.

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  3. WOW!! 200 mph wind is really fast! I bet it gets really dangerous up there. Also, I didn't know that Mount Everest was that tall, 29,035 ft to be exact. And to think people actually hike up! I didn't know it was that old. You would think that it would parish or something else like that. I thought Mount Everest was just in Nepal, but no, apparently it's in Nepal and China?? And i think it is really cool that it keeps growing.

  4. Okay. 200 mph??????????!!!!!!!!!! Thats pretty fast. I also thought you title was really good. I wanted to read the blog as soon as I saw it. And, it keeps growing!? BY like, 2394 (the year) its going to take over the world! WERE DEAD!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! AHHHH! ARGHH!!!


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