04 May, 2018

~School Lunches in South Asia~

You walk into the lunch room. What do you smell? Maybe the french fry aroma wafts into you nose. Or the sushi your best friend broght for today. Or maybe the ice cream you have to microwave to get it to be edible, not rock solid! Well, some kids don't have those smells. These are some main lunch dishes a typical kid in South Asia would eat! #1Bangledesh: Fish, vegtables, curry, and peas. 
#2Next, India: Flatbread, butter, yogurt, vegtables.
#3 Finally, Sri Lank: Dhal, beets, rice. 


Backround Info: Dhal is a curry, mostly made with lentils. Flat bread is literaly FLAT bread! Curry is a very wide variety of things such as Stepen Curry (haha) but what we mean is a sauce or soup made from vegtables, meat, tumeric and other spices!


  1. I think you did great, and I like how you put some humor into it.

  2. OOPS! Grammer mistake!!! It's Stephen Curry not Stepen
    Lol, step in yall know like, I step in. Tehehehe


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