01 May, 2018

Learn More About Nepal

Have you ever wanted to wake up and go outside and it be 70 degrees out? Well, I have, and Nepal would be the place to go.  Nepal's capital is Kathmandu. Nepal has a pretty big population. The population of Nepal is 28.98 million people, that was last updated in 2016. Can you imagine the population now? I think it would be pretty big. I think that a lot of people live in Nepal because of its warm climate. Most of the time in Nepal it is 22°C which is 71° in Fahrenheit. You know how we have dollars in the U.S, well in Nepal they have rupees. One rupee in Nepal is 0.0094 dollars in the U.S. Have you learned more about Nepal with this writing?                                        
Image result for nepal


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Kate, I liked how you talked about unique things about Nepal. It crossed my mind that my post is about Nepal as well (about its sports and festivals). Also, we both were surprised about something about Nepal! Did you know there's a game played there called Kho Kho? Plus, they have tons of festivals celebrated each year! Well, if you want to find out more about their activities, check out my blog post right now!


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