07 May, 2018

Kabaddi in India

Kabbadi is a fun sport that originated in ancient India. Many people in villages play this game, but it also a professional sport.  This is how to play; On a large rectangular court, there are 2 teams. Each team has 7 people. One team is offense and one team is defense, it alternates.  The court is cut in half each team has a side. Then the offensive side sends a raider into the other side. If the raider gets to the end of the court and back to his side the offensive team gets a point, but there is a catch you have to say kabbadi over and over repeatedly while on the defending side so if so stop to take a breath you have to go back to your team and the other team gets a point. Also when you are a raider on the other team's side the defending team can try to tackle you. That is why most kabbadi players stay in a low squatted position while they are raiding.

1 comment:

  1. Wow I love how descriptive you were while still simplifying the rules of the game down. Now I can really connect with my parents because they used to play it as younger children. After reading your blog post I recommend going to the blog post Cayden S wrote. He talks about some water sports in Sri Lanka and it is so cool to see the similarities and differences between the two.


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