30 April, 2015

The Job...

Everyday! I go to work and I take the subway, I come late. I get pushed in with some other people, and it is very uncomfortable being squished in between tons of people. It smells like some trash with old socks, they probably never clean this place. After traveling through the train, I rush out to not get trampled by the hoards of people running out. I walk a few blocks to my job, which takes about 20 minutes because of all the traffic. I come to my office and start programming, some codes. After about an 12 hour job period I take the subway, and walk home.  I come home and take a shower, luckily today I get warm water, usually I get cold. I eat some sushi for dinner and go to sleep. I fall asleep quickly and wake up after 8 hours. And do the whole cycle all over again. Would you like to work in Japan and go through this everyday?

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