30 April, 2015

Flipping People off in a Traffic Jams

Spring Break 2015...  Schools out.  Vacation days.  Warmer weather.  People from Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois all head south.  There are traffic jams.  People get ticked off.  My friend's dad flipped off the whole state of Georgia.  Now multiply that by a huge number and you have Beijing traffic jams.

In 2010 during a traffic jam in Beijing people were stuck in for 12 days.  It was 62 miles long.  Imagine that.  It would smell like B.O., gasoline and diesel fuel.  You would hear a lot of car horns and cussing.  A Beijing traffic jam would be crowded as an Apple store when they release a new Iphone.

Check out this video of a 10km Beijing traffic jam.  It looks a pile of ant trying to get a piece of food.


Would you like being swallowed up by cars in Beijing traffic?  How do people in Beijing deal with traffic.  Are they more patient than Americans?

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious! I must admit...I have done what your dad's friend did. Just sayin'.


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