30 April, 2015


From the morning rush hour video, most people could figure out that the population density is very high. To be exact, in Japan, there are 336 people per square kilometer. If you did not watch the video, it showed an insanely high amount of people trying to fit into one train in Japan during the morning rush. I found this specific video interesting because I’ve never seen people jamming into a train like that.. I also found the video of the wave pool in Tokyo interesting because, having been in a wave pool before, it’s supposed to be fun, but it couldn’t possibly be fun to be in a wave pool full of hundreds of people and have no room. What do you think about Japan and its population?


  1. I wouldn't want that many people in a pool with me either. That many people per square kilometer makes me feel like I would be in New York City or something. Traffic is very annoying here in Michigan, I can't imagine being in Tokyo with that many people right next to me while I go to work or home from wherever. That would irritating and down right annoying to most anyone. Japan feels like a place I wouldn't like because I hate traffic.

  2. Taking immigration into account, the total population in 2013 declined by 217,000 people compared to the previous year for Japan. If Japan seemed bad with trains well you should look at China’s traffic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKhsPO6yYko . Japan has a really old cultural feeling to it, but that may be because over 50,000 people who live in Japan are over 100 years old. Yikes! I think you should look into Aisha's “POPULATION”, she also talks about Japan population as you can probably tell in the title. Also about that wave pool that’s just too disturbing to think about. Having all those bodies around you until you can’t even move, no way.


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