30 April, 2015

Black Friday everyday in Tokyo....

Remember that horrific shopping trip you went on on Black Friday? It had people pushing, shoving, and everyone was rushing to get where and what they wanted. Imagine if life were like that EVERYDAY! That’s what it is like in Tokyo! Imagine that! I remember when I went Black Friday shopping in 2014, and waiting in line for one item took about half an hour! The population in Tokyo is about 13.35 million people, and they’re in the top 20 most populated cities, so it probably takes half an hour to get what they want daily. Possibly longer!
Let’s say I’m an adult, and I live in Tokyo.
I wake up in the morning, get ready for work, and eat breakfast. I realize I have to get going! I reach the subway, and it’s packed! The workers are already shoving people in. I run up to the subway, and the workers start powerfully forcing me in. Once everyone is barely in, the workers have to close the doors. As I’m awkwardly waiting, I try to reach for my phone that is ringing. I try to grab it with all my might, but it’s impossible. Once the subway stops, the doors open, and I realize I’m probably going to get trampled, so I start sprinting before people get the chance to jerk me out.
That’s most likely everyday life in Tokyo. So next time you and I decide to complain about your house, car, or even school being too small, think about the HUMONGOUS city that isn’t big enough for it’s population! What if you had to take the subway to work/school every single day?

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