30 April, 2015

The beautiful view of Beijing.

Beijing is a populated city with more than 11 million people! As you ride in your car pass the roads of Beijing you hear the sounds of carts being pulled by people. Later, you cross a railway station and hear the sounds of a train. Then, you got to your hotel where you are staying. You start hearing honks around our hotel. When you see outside, you learn that there is a traffic jam around your area. Lastly, you wake up and decide to go to The Great Wall of China, where you see the beautiful view you wanted to see before you left. Would you go to Beijing?

1 comment:

  1. Nice descriptive blog. 11 million people is a huge number so the traffic jam is no surprise. It would be hard to sleep if the railway station is so close. The picture looks amazing with the building being lit up by the lights. To answer your question, I probably would go IF I had the cash to. The frequent flights to Beijing would mean I could get there fairly quickly. The food there is similar to here so that wouldn't be a problem but I bet it is delicious.


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