29 April, 2015

Traffic Jams and Peeing in Pools

Could you imagine sitting in a traffic jam for EIGHT WEEKS??? What about living in such poor conditions that even if your spend all of your life’s earnings, you’re only going to be able to buy 10 square feet of property? This is what life’s like for practically everyone in Southeast Asia. For example, in Japan, there are literally jobs that have people stuff each other into trains. Isn't that crazy?! There are so many people, all squished against each other. Imagine the smell of sweat, like every single person around you just ran a mile. The sounds of heavy breathing. The feeling of being squished until you can hardly breathe, when every time the door opens, you feel like you’re going to fall out of the train and onto the platform, but instead having more people squished against you. Another example: the pool. You’re out on a nice family vacation, and you decide to go to the pool. Instead, you have to squish yourself into a millimeter of water against at least 5 people from all sides. Disgusting, right? Imagine the horror of thinking: What if someone pees in here right now? or I don’t know anyone around me. Help. Doesn't that sound horrible??? How would you feel if you had to live under these conditions?

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