30 April, 2015

Fastest trains but, not enough space

If you were on a train in Tokyo you would feel compressed, cramped and maybe even annoyed. When the train station employees push passengers into the train it makes them feel miserable and frustrated. I personally would get irritated when I am constantly pushed by someone while traveling. Most of the passengers probably are delightful people that have a great personality but in the train, you feel like punching them in the face because you are so crammed. I had experienced this on a train in India. Have you ever faced this situation or how would you feel if you were to be in that situation?


  1. Fortunately, no, I haven’t. I doubt if it would really feel like punching someone in the face though. I also have this thing when I don’t like being pushed or even touched, so it would the extremely annoying. Crushed by people would be terrible. How would I even breath clean air? hopefully the train ride will be quick. Bailee wrote the same thing. It talks about the time and when they aren't so busy. Check it out!

  2. Hi Advaith, your blog was very informative about the was that people in Tokyo have to live their everyday life. I liked the fact that you mentioned that you have experienced something like this. There are even some people who have had their mouths and whole face smashed against the windows of the Tokyo metro station( .http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2235224/Photos-reveal-squashed-Tokyo-subway-commuters-squeezed-trains.html ) For you, I recommend Bailee’s blog because you both wrote about the same issue and there is also more information on the topic.


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