30 April, 2015

Markets in Seoul :)

Ever been to Seoul, South Korea? My guess is not. I am here to inform you about the truth about the population in Seoul. Not everywhere in Seoul is as busy as described. Most places that I have visited aren't actually aren't that busy, but that isn't very interesting, is it? So, let’s talk about where it really gets busy, street markets. There are street markets all over Seoul, and there are people all over the markets. I have been to many markets, but one of the busiest would have to be the Namdaemun. At the market, I always see busy streets,and since it is so busy, I always feel sweaty bodies brushing up against mine, gross! Namdaemun always has a ton of people. Namdaemun has everything from food, to clothing, to random knick-knacks. I also see new, interesting food. The food from the market brings an overwhelming amount of spices, and Korean food goodness. Have you ever been to a similar market?


  1. It is cool that you can write so much information about this. Since you've been there, you know a lot more than anyone else here! It is terrible that it is so crowded that you can feel other peoples sweaty bodies brushing against yours. I could never do that. I hate crowded places with a bunch of people around me. There is another post by Yunseong called "Life In Seoul" that might be interesting to you in case you want to find out a little bit more :)

  2. Hi Rachel! I learned a lot about the markets in Seoul. Did you know that one of the most popular markets in Seoul is called the Dongdaemun Market. It sells fabric, fashion accessories, and more modernity items. It attracts mostly young and fashionable people. The Gwangjang Market is a market home to Korean comfort food. Gwangjang was also the first permanent market in Korea. In the beginning the market only offered agriculture and fish products. I think that you should read Sabrina’s post. It does not have a title so it is just says the first few words.


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