29 April, 2015

Imagine this

close your eyes and imagine this.
         You are in a crowded train station listening to the sounds of shouting, getting pushed around, and you are very tired.  You have an hour long train ride ahead of you, and you aren't looking forward to it.  (Are you still imagining it?).  You get on the train to late and you end up getting pushed in so that the train doors will close and stay closed.  You can barely feel your arms, because the blood flow has been cut off from being squeezed too hard by people around you. After a train ride that feels like an hour but was really only 20 minutes you get off and smell the sweet scent of fresh air after the smell of sweat and fart on the train you feel like you are freed from a vice trying to crush you. WAIT WERE YOU EVEN PAYING ATTENTION TO THIS WHOLE THING AND IMAGINING IT OR JUST READING!?!?!?!?
Image result for crowded train meme

By Sherlock_of_Asgard (A.K.A Sebastian Metzger)    

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