29 April, 2015

The Crayon Box (A.K.A.) The Train

Imagine feeling like being a crayon being squished into the box. Now times that squishy-ness by 10 and now you know what it feels like to be shoved, squished, and pushed into a train in China. Those people who shove you into the train are called “Packers”. But, by the locals, they are known as “Sardine Packers”. When in the train, you literally feel like a sardine in a tin because there is ABSOLUTELY NO ROOM!  So that’s what it feels like to attempt to ride the train in China.
HONK! BEEP! Those are the sounds of the cars behind you when you are stuck in a 4 day traffic jam in China. Some of those traffic jams can last up to 12 days! Long traffic jams are very common upon the streets of China. So make sure you always have some granola bars in blankets in the back seat before you go out driving. I don’t know how I would be able to survive in a tiny car for 12 days straight. I would probably feel like a tiny little sea turtle in the reef unable to come out of my hiding space because i’m afraid to get eaten, or in this case, run over by the other seven million lunatics  with cars filled with trash at arms length so that they can pelt it at me. So, yeah that’s what it feels like to be in a traffic jam in China!

1 comment:

  1. I would not want to be pushed around on a train! But how would feel being stuck in traffic for EIGHT WEEKS???!!! That's literally like two months!! You could build a house on the side of the road... Hey, you should check out Caeland's blog, he talked about the fastest train in China. Apparently, it reaches 1000 miles per hour! I just thought that there are always positives to a country/region, and maybe China could fix its overpopulation by making faster trains to help haul people around faster. About the long car rides, sometimes my family and I go on 15 hours car rides just to get across the country to visit some friends. But sitting in a car for four days? Nope, don't sign me up for that. So, how would you like to go to China and anywhere in southeast Asia? Not very provoking?


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