30 April, 2015

I don't fit!

Ever been in a train as crammed as the one in the video? Do you want to? I don't think you'd like it, but if you ever want to try, go to Japan during rush hour! The weekday rush hours peak between 8am and 9pm in the morning, and after 5pm in the evening. Rush hours are most extreme in Tokyo, but can also be pretty heavy in Japans other major cities. There are no business rush hours on weekendss and on public holidays, so then is a good time to travel. When would you ride on one pf the trains in Japan?

1 comment:

  1. First of all, I would not want to be crammed into a train like that. The videos we saw showed the workers there shoving every passenger there is. Did you know that the workers are directed to cram passengers? It would feel very uncomfortable to me, and I wouldn't want to have that as a daily routine to go to work. I suggest you check out Lottie-Brooke’s post because you guys have a similar topic about cramming people into trains in Japan.


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