30 April, 2015


The smell of smoke from the train fills the air. People are bumping into you in every direction. You clench tightly on to your belongings so that they don’t drop and force you to get stampeded. You get there too late and the staff have to stuff you in. This is how it is in Shanghai if you have to catch a train. The city is so densely populated with about 24 million people that the train staff have to stuff everybody in the train because the train is a popular use for transportation. How would you guys compare Shanghai’s train stop to New York’s train stop?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Good job on your blog post. It was very interesting to me. I think that the trains in Shanghai are not similar to the ones in New York because the subways in New York are not as crowded as the trains in Shanghai. The subways in New York are still crowded but when I was on one they didn’t have to stuff as many people in the train as they do in Shanghai. I also think that your post is like mine because they are both very crowded cities in China that use trains a lot.


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