30 April, 2015

Worst Day Ever!

The air has a thick smell of coffee and bagels. The usual smell has make way to the train station. This is probably the worst part of my day, beside coming back. Suddenly I heard a noise, I looked up, I saw a plane flying over me. This also common in Tokyo, Japan, you would at least see 10 planes flying over me. Oh shoot! I’m late, the train came here early. I sprinted to the train as fast as I could. Wait I yelled! Hold up! The conductor managed to stop the train. I tried to get into the train, it was hard. The guards at to shove me in. After five minutes of trying, they got me through. Saying it was crowded was an  understatement, there was absolutely no space to move your hand. 10  minutes, it felt like hours we came off. I got off and looked around and said this isn't my stop. I got on the train. This is turning out to be the worst day ever.    

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