30 April, 2015

Shenzhen, China

I just recently moved from my quiet neighborhood in Helena, Montana, to the crowded streets of Shenzhen, China. The opportunity this promotion presents for my dads career made it not merely an option, but more a necessity. And let me say, this was not an easy change. Not only was it difficult adjusting to the new school and language, but just the change in population was insane! After, just walking back to my family’s condo from the school was a struggle! People everywhere, seeming as if all needing to get to wherever they’re going right then. It’s almost uncomfortable, having everyone constantly bumping into you and rudely pushing you out of your way. The park not far from our condo, is less loud but still crowded. On weekend nights, trying to go out is always harder than anticipated, and seems to get worse each night. People yet again everywhere, bright lights flashing in almost every direction, and loud noises coming from both the road and the large crowds of people around you. It’s always so insane here and hectic, the kind that gives me migraines like no other. Now I will say, not everything here is bad; there is something about the occasionally beautiful lights and the knowledge of knowing that there’s always somewhere out there doing something that is in the oddest way comforting. Almost like home. Sound like somewhere you'd enjoy calling "home"?


  1. I would hate to that call that "home" I'm sure that it's not even possible to go anywhere at night, especially on Friday's. To be exact, the population in Shenzhen, China is 7.009 million people. Living in an environment like that would make me insane. Also, the population density in Shenzhen is 14,000 per sq mi! You get lucky just to have room to move. It reminds me of an NYC type city, but worse.

  2. I would hate to live in China. It is way to busy for me. I would rather Montana and have space to ride a four wheeler. Here is what I found on your city:

    Shenzhen, in southeastern China, is a modern metropolis that links Hong Kong to China’s mainland. It's known for its shopping destinations, including Luohu Commercial City, a massive mall with a vast array of wares, from tailors’ custom clothing to faux designer bags. The city also features contemporary buildings, such as the 384m skyscraper Sung Hing Square, and a number of amusement parks.

    I would like the shopping. I would hate the skyscrapers because I am afraid of heights. -_-


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