30 April, 2015

I need my bubble

Ever go to the mall or any store on Black Friday and think there’s way too many people? Or go to the MAC to go swimming and the pool’s crowded? Imagine having the everyday “squished life.” How you ask? By taking the train everyday in Japan. The buses are so crowded that people have jobs pushing people on the train. You’re probably thinking “just drive,” but if the train is way over crowded, imagine traffic. The train can take you where you need to go without traffic, but imagine taking it everyday. You would feel sweaty and gross. It would smell like gym class...yuck!!! Say goodbye to fresh air as soon as you walk on, because we all know you won’t be getting that. What do you do if you have to go to the bathroom??? Would you ever take these trains?

1 comment:

  1. Great job Anna! But no, I would find a way not to have to take those tiny trains/buses/subways! Even if I had to, I would ride a bike! Also, what a great point! How would you go to the bathroom? I guess just go before you get on the train. Man, aren't these people like animals?! I feel bad for the people who are ramped up against the side of the train(the people who first get on) being close to breaking a rib and with their faces mushed together because they have it pinned to the wall! I suggest you read (Elizabeth K.)Sherlock_of_Asgaurd’s post because you guys are both talking about packed trains! I think you both can learn from each other because you both have similar but slightly different points that are important. Hey Anna! One last thing, did you know that “The government of China is trying to counteract the pushing and shoving by putting up informative posters on how to board the metro.”? Well that fact is from Elizabeth and you are gonna have to read hers to find out how people are going to handle this!! I enjoyed reading your post, once again great job!!!


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