30 April, 2015

Trains, Tramples, and Jail

I am Lily, I was a normal thirteen year old girl. Annoying siblings, unfair parents, and the usual lunch room theatricals. The only thing that separated my friends and I from everyone else was that we lived in Japan with a population of 126,999,808 people and the fact that I just got out of jail. This is my story....

It's 5:30 am, my alarm screams out it's horrible battle cry. I crawl out of bed, shuffle to the shower and try to deflect any mirrors so I don't have to look at my funky bed head. When I am ready I go downstairs, I grab an apple and head across the street to meet my best friend Ellie. Together we walk through the bustling streets all the way to train.  "We are running late today, " Ellie says checking the time!"
" Yeah! Let's go!" Ellie and I start running, we got to the train station and found out ourselves at the end of the line. We know what happens to those last people, it never ends well. Ellie and I whispered nervously together as more people start to board the train. "The doors should have closed by now" Ellie nods nervously. As if on cue, the workers start shoving us into the train in a violent fashion. I yell for them to stop, I can't fit, but they won't conclude! They congest me in with one final push. My nose is bleeding, my hair is stuck in the the door and I can hardly breathe. It was an incommodious 20 minute ride to school. When the doors finally squeak open, Ellie and I fly out. I run out of the way of the mob of people but Ellie isn't so lucky. Ellie was tramped by the crowd dashing out of the packed train, after the crowd passed I ran to the side of my best friend lying on the sidewalk drenched in blood, I call the ambulance  and our parents. I sat there helpless and sobbing while my best friend was bleeding out. Three minutes late Ellie was pulled out on the stretcher, the doctors wouldn't let me go with her. I sat down, everyone in line was watching me. One of the workers on the train came up to me, "you need to leave miss, people need to get one the train." I didn't move. "Ma'am, please move."
"No," I said quietly.
"I'm sorry about your friend but it is time for you to leave." The man demanded.
"I'm not letting anyone else on this death trap! It isn't fair! It's all your fault!" I started crying, kicking and punching. The people in the cluster stared at me in disbelief. The anger overtook my body, this shouldn't have happened. The next thing I knew I was in the back of the police car balling my eyes out.

I am better now. I ended up in jail for two months, I am attending therapy sessions, and my best friend just has a few broken limbs and internal bleeding in her abdomen, but she went into surgery quickly. Prison wasn't too bad, everyone thought my story was cool, everyone but me that is. Ellie will live and be okay. My life will go back to normal. But I'm going to tell you right now that I'm done with Japan. Once Ellie is better we are all moving away from Japan until the population gets under control. What would have you done if you were in my situation?


  1. Hi Abby! I loved reading your post. It sort of reminded me of Charlotte Doyle, if you’re buying what I’m selling. I would have reacted the same way Lily did in her situation. It was a pretty intense moment, if you ask me. I was actually there. If you saw a middle-aged man who looked like he didn’t care about anything going on, then you probably spotted me. The same thing happened to me when I was ten, except to my little brother. My story is a little bit different than yours. I’ll share mine another day, but I did really enjoy hearing your story. If you want to hear a story written like your own, then I suggest reading mine.

  2. Hi Abby! That was so emotional! I almost cried! Did you make up this story? I hope so because Ellie seemed nice! If it’s true, I’m sorry about Ellie. She seemed like a wonderful person. Anyway, it IS packed in those areas. I honestly don’t know how people get out alive. If the population in Japan is 127.3 million, that means it’s around 14 times the population of Michigan, and even I think Michigan is busy! I found out that the population is starting to decrease! Interesting right? It said around 1 million babies are born every year, but the estimated number of people dying is 1.269 million! Hopefully the country doesn’t die out. At least the trains and subways won’t be as packed. You should go read Kyle Knapp’s post. She talks about almost the same thing such as how the subways/trains are always packed and how people are getting shoved in like Lily and Ellie. One day the population will start increasing even more one day. (sorry that was really long!!!)

    1. By the way, why'd Lily go to jail? Was she framed?

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  5. Yep, I made up the story because all I could think about while watching the video is someone getting trampled! :( The reason a lot of people are dying is because everyone is dying of obesity at 34. I will look at Kyle's post! :))))

  6. Thank you Sal! Yeah! It is kind of like Charlotte Doyle! Lol I think I did see you! I am going to read your post right now!

  7. Ab...this was amazing. I am so very proud of you! Look at the two responses that you generated with this post...see how you made them feel?


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