30 April, 2015

Capsule Life

I have just arrived at my capsule hotel.  I first remove my shoes and place them in a miniature locker.  I then walk over to the front desk in my stocking feet.  My feet feel cold against the floor.  The front desk gives me a key connected to a wrist band.  I use the key for another locker to store all my belongings. The hotel has provided me with a long plush robe.  I enter the bathing area where I am greeted by several strangers.  I feel awkward bathing in front of these strangers.  I quickly wash my hair and body.  I put on my robe and head to my sleeping capsule.  I can hear others entering their capsules because the walls are very thin.  One man is loudly snoring; therefore, it takes me a while to fall asleep.  Do you think you would want to sleep in a capsule?

1 comment:

  1. The coolest thing about the capsule hotels is that some of them are equipped with a TV, wi-fi, mirrors and alarm clocks. Since the capsules are very small, they can be stacked side by side in rows, so you’ll have capsule neighbors if you decided to stay in one. Each capsule is sealed with a door as well as a curtain, and capsule renters share the same bathroom facilities. Each guest is given a key to a locker for storage of personal belongings. I suggest you read Megan's post she touches a bit more on this subject.


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