30 April, 2015

Big Traffic in Little Tokyo

Do you ever feel like drivers in Michigan don’t know what they’re doing? Well you got it easy. Japan has traffic up the Ying-Yang. Compared to Tokyo, Michigan’s traffic is one of the best around. Subways, highways, sidewalks they are all crowded. Highways because of cars. Subways because of people getting on and off the train. Sidewalks because of people walking. All of this traffic is is because people like that don’t know how to be organized. That’s how I see it anyway. Would you want to visit a place with this little space? I know I wouldn’t want to.


  1. The post that you have written reminds of Ali's and my post because we both discuss the topic of traffic in Tokyo. Did you know that if in Tokyo you are one of 336 people per kilometer?! Also in Tokyo they had a traffic jam that was 84 miles LONG! That included 15000 cars in the incident. Can you imagine the length of time that you would have to wait to get out of that mess, that would take ages.

  2. I think you should check out my post. I don’t know if you’re aloud to do this, but in the end of my blog I also talk about traffic. In Lithuania, I always have to get used to the traffic, signs, and how people drive. Here, it’s well organized and people know what streets to turn on, while in Lithuania there are no signs. Do you know how much traffic that causes? It’s hard to find you way around. All in all, I think your blog was very interesting, and we had the same interest.


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