30 April, 2015

Trains are Dangerous!

Have you been on a train? How much space did you have? Chances are that you had a whole seat to your self. In places of extreme population density people have to share their 1 cubic millimeter of space with about 12 others. There are so many people, you have to be PUSHED onto your train. Not like shoved but, actually crammed in. Think about being in a train. Then imagine yourself in a train with so many people no one can get in. Finally, imagine someone pushing people into the train. Its pretty dangerous. You could get your toes crushed, arms broken, someone might push you down and you could be trampled by everyone trying to make it to work. Imagine if one of them farted. The stench of broken down food would pass through not only your cart, but all of the others. Most of us know that as teen agers we sweat A LOT. Think about all those people on the trains, and now think of them as sweaty. The vile and horrendous smells could overwhelm you and make you pass out. Do you want to ride one of these trains?


  1. Pratham, I would never want to ride one of these trains. Who would want to ride one?People who ride just get pushed into the trains and the next you know they can’t even breath. Also the workers are paid to do push people in, its looks like a fun jobs, but so mean at the same time. Just imagine rush hour. The more the people the less people can breath! You should look at Elise’s post. It talks about the similar topic. Would you want to push people for money?

  2. I want to ride these trains but I also don’t want to ride these trains. One reason I don’t want to ride these trains is it is way too crammed in the train. I would like to ride a train because it has a great view and it is going crazy fast. You also might be able want to see Parker’s post. Parker’s post has similar writing to yours you might learn a couple new things from his post. He talks about how cramped it is in the train and what people do to get people in the train. How would you feel if you got pushed by so many people?


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