30 April, 2015

The Crowded Country of Japan

Japan, a beautiful advanced country, but also a very crowded one. You know those public pools that you go to with many people, like the MAC. Well, if you think that's a large number of people then you are crazy. If you saw the number of people in a Japanese pool your brain would erupt. So, you know wave pools right? This particular one in Japan is just a wave of people not water that you usually would see. Pools like that are probably  very pungent, deafening, irritating, but still wondrous.  Would you want to ever go to a pool like this?


  1. Hi Lillian! To answer your question, no, I would not like to go swimming in wave pool that is literally a wave of people. I feel like it would be too crowded and unsanitary. As I was looking up information about the wave pool you were talking about, I saw this wave pool in Japan called the Miyazaki Ocean Dome wave pool. Apparently, you can “ride the waves” all day, and as soon as nightfall hits, a dome appears around the wave pool so you can continue having fun at night. The dome traps in heat and shows an array of (laser) stars and constellations. Isn’t that so cool! I think you should take a look at Anna N.’s blog post because she too talks about crowding, except the crowding on trains instead of wave pools!

  2. Hey Lillian! I don’t know if I would swim in that pool. As majestic as it may be, I think it may be a little claustrophobic in there! People would be everywhere! I wonder why people still swim in there. I mean, it would be sosososo crowded! And also I heard that the wave pool in Tokyo Japan was voted the WORST wave pool in the whole world! Yeesh, it must be pretty intense. And to answer your question, no, I would NOT swim in those pools. I also heard that the motto for the pool in Tokyo is “where’s the water?!” Would you swim in the pool with no water?


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