30 April, 2015


Did you know that Tokyo is well known for many things we do here in the United States? Tokyo is one of the most known places for their neon lights and constant action. Tokyo is very well known for their karaoke and sports team. Sports is a very big deal in Tokyo, they  host many national sports such as tennis tournaments, swim meets, marathons, rugby union and sevens rugby games,football, and American football exhibition games. Tokyo has the largest broadcast and studios. It is mostly the setting of Japanese movies, television shows, and animated series. So, knowing this background information on Tokyo would you like to live/visit there one day?

1 comment:

  1. Woah. That is so fascinating! I never knew, or would’ve even guessed, that the US had anything in common with Tokyo. Tokyo is such a happening place and there’s always something going on there. I think it would be cool to see a movie being filmed here, I wonder if they do and process things differently there? Actually, I looked at an article and in it it talks about how the US film studios has a major impact on Tokyo film studios, and most things that happen to the US also affect Tokyo. Maybe your decision on whether or not you’ll want to live there after you read my friend Abbys. She has some interesting stories to inform you of possible misfortunes that could occur…


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