29 April, 2015

Farmers always work very hard ,on their noisy ROARING tractors for hours. But, in Japan their farming only takes 30 days. This amazing process is made in s dome quite like a greenhouse. There are a bunch of slots where they slide in the seedlings. The circle rotates while the seedling move back. While there is a person on the inside , someone is on the outside collecting the ripe vegetables.  This is a significant way to farm because of their REVOLTING polluted cities. The flaw is that it may remind people think their fruits and veggies may be “factory made”. What do you think? Is it a great way to grow produce or is it costing them too much money? Should they be spending it on cleaning the city and getting their produce imported?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sabrina, I really enjoyed reading about these awesome looking hydroponic farms and how it works. You should take a look at Sita's blog post. I know it's a completely different topic, but you both talk about pollution in a way. You talk the about the bad effects of pollution, but Sita talks about the grotesque smells on the trains where every has one millimeter of breathing space. Try taking a look at it. Would you ever pick up all the things polluted/thrown on the ground?


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