29 April, 2015

Blog Episode XI: It Is Your DENSITY!

Chances are you have never been to a place with anywhere near the population density depicted in my collection of videos. If you have, then see me about what your topic for this blog could be. If not, your topic is to discuss one or two aspects of daily life that you saw and found interesting among that collection. Even better...research something new (about population density in an East Asian city such as Tokyo, Beijing, Seoul, Shanghai...there are several to choose from) and share what that new experience might be like.

Try to get your reader to FEEL THE EXPERIENCE by using descriptive, rich vocabulary words. Imagine yourself being in a setting like that and do your best to describe what that must be like. Dazzle your reader with the feelings, sights, sounds and smells of your chosen scenario.  

Grading: Because we are stronger writers now, Spelling-Error-Free POSTS must be 100+ words (4 points), contain a hyperlink or a video or have a picture/video brought in to your post (1 point) and end with a question (1 point).  For the last four points, you will need to use those rich vocabulary words to bring your reader as real of an experience as possible. Touch upon four aspects among the feelings (physical or emotional), sights, sounds and smells that you would imagine you would experience. As an example, maybe you would hit upon two smells and two sounds...or three feelings and a sound...four total for your last 4 points.

(Since this blog is the home for my stronger writers, you could try YET AGAIN to expand your writing by pointing out that you would like to try your hand at certain literary devices (Yer killin me, Smalls!)like similes (I know!), metaphors, alliteration or any others from that sweet link!. Please plan to play with the words on your plate if alliteration is your ailment...see?)

COMMENTS: You must be the first or second comment made to a post and it must now be 75+ words, spelling-error free of course (5 points), and once again it should clearly show that you have looked up information from the post and added it as part of your response (2 points). And once again, this time you must suggest to this author that they read another author's post. Connect your suggestion with a solid reason. For example you might say, "Hey Julio, I really liked reading your post about Sri Lanka and the amazing food they have there. It dawned on me that you might really like to read Darby's post. I know, I know...she wrote about Bengal, not Sri Lanka. But you will notice that each culture seems to share a love of spicy food, don't you agree?" See how I connected the two different posts by a common thread? That is your mission, and success there will earn you your final 3 points.

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