29 April, 2015

A Long Ride In South Korea

Imagine if you were in Seoul, South Korea one day. I had been there once when I was really young but I do remember one thing; it was very crowded there. My mom, my brother, and I were going to our cousin’s school for a her ceremony, and we took a taxi there. The traffic was very congested and it took at least one hour to get there. Of course, since there were a lot of cars, it made pollution, which made the air smell spoiled. When we got out of the taxi we had to walk a short distance, but was hard to get around with all the thronged people. After the whole protracted journey, we finally made it to the school. Would you rather move to a crowded place or stay here in Michigan?

1 comment:

  1. Michelle I can imagine now how crowded Seoul must have been if the population was 9.5 million people in 2005, and this was most likely around the time you visited. I mean I saw that Seoul’s area is smaller than half the area of the Grand Canyon. I mean can you imagine fitting 9.4 million people in a half of the Grand Canyon? Also, I notice that you and Jack had a similar closing sentence to each other. Maybe, you should look at his and basically answer your own question.


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