29 April, 2015

Japan's Growing City

Imagine living in half the area of space in a vibrant Grand Canyon space full of alluring gardens, while having a flock of 13.5 million people’s daily lives going around you. If you can imagine this, you can imagine living in Tokyo, Japan. Tokyo, Japan is also known as a place for achievement as its main goal. Japan has to stay on top of not only its sanitation record but, in its progression towards new travel ideas for its growing community. For example, the trains that run with the Central Japan Railway have excelled their own records of speed when it comes to their Maglev train. The Maglev is another source of travel to and from work, that will hopefully decrease the mob of people on regular Japanese subway trains. This train will be more efficient for the 13 million(and growing) people(who usually are pushed on a daily basis in order to get to work)where they need to be. Overall Tokyo is a very crowded place in a relatively small space but, that doesn't mean there aren't pros to this. Think about it, without the large population would Tokyo be exceeding right now like it is?

To help with this image, I've included a photo of New York City inside of the Grand Canyon.

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