30 April, 2015

All Aboard

In Tokyo “all aboard” literally means “all aboard!” Everyone gets on the train even if that means the train station workers have to push you in. Seeing pictures of  people’s faces smooshed against the glass window might be be a hilarious sight, well let’s be honest how can you not laugh at this. But anyway, it maybe a funny thing to see but actually being in that position is a whole other story. Imagine being pushed into a train that is packed so full your face is pressing against to the glass. People are millimeters away from you. The woman on your left has a strong perfume on, it has the scent of a rose. It is so strong it doesn't only cause you to get a headache but it also makes you feel like five roses are stuffed up your nose at once. You naturally turn your head to avoid the smell but in doing so the hair of the woman behind you falls on your nose. What do you do, you desperately need to sneeze but if you do it would land on the man to the right of you! You try to hold it in, it feels like a feather is tickling the inside of your nose and a fly is buzzing around your mouth with soft wings. Your thinking what could make this any worse. Of course the worst thing in a crowded area, a sneeze, comes your way! The sound of thunder comes from the left, “BOOM” into your ear. It feels like a water balloon filled with a slug’s slime smashes with all of its force on the entire right side of your face. You try to raise up your arm to wipe the disgustingness of your face, but you're stuck, smooshed, trapped in Tokyo’s most crowded place. The train! So after reading this do you think those pictures of the people being smooshed into trains is still funny?


  1. That you put it that way, it is not funny watching all these getting smooshed in the train. It definitely would be a place for a claustrophobic person. That would be nasty getting snot boogers on your face. I would throw up. Getting on is difficult by itself, but what about getting off. You would get trampled, get cuts, bruises, and get hurt. That would be horrible. I suggest that you read Abby Bradley's post, you two both talking about the dangers of getting on a train, do you think?

  2. That seems that it would be very unpleasant to travel on. It would get very hot and discomforting in there. I recommend viewing my post it talks a lot about the trains that they ride on. The train are very crowded but they do the job and are better than any car in China. This post is very descriptive and create the right image of how crowded it is in the trains. Oh and to answer your question yes it is really funny.

    ( ͡͡ ° ͜ ʖ ͡ °)

  3. On second thought, maybe I should give the smooched faces a break. I should sympathize with the poor people who have to go through that constantly. I loved it when you typed about the lady that had way too much perfume on, and how it felt like five roses shoved up your nose at once. That made me laugh. Have you read “Sardines versus humans. What’s the difference?” I looked through it, and thought that you girls have similar idea in what subject you’re interested in. Do you know what happens when a bunch of angry and tired Chinese men and women are on a subway together?


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