29 April, 2015

You WON'T be able to read Mine.

My name is Lemi, and previously I had been living in Michigan, Lansing. Recently, my father found a job in Korea, Seoul. We moved right away, but we had some problems getting there. The tickets were pretty expensive, but that wasn’t the issue. The real problem was finding plain tickets. It was as if, If we found an open plain ticket and waited 30 seconds to get them, they were already sold by someone else. Once we finally arrived in Korea my family and I looked in to the new school I would be attending. It was a long ways from home, so we had decided I would take the subway. I was elated to go somewhere without having my parents hover over every move I made….That was until I had to face the horror that awaited me. I woke up especially early that day, and arrived at the train. I remember thinking that the train seemed really crowded, and hopped in. Suddenly it hit me like a title wave! Tons of different people started to horde the train until there was no room left. I was so startled by the sudden mass of people that I ended up falling, only to be stepped on several times. I tried to look for something that could hoist me up, but all the bodies that had assembled became a blurb that I could only distinguish as lumpy piles of obstacles. Finally I had found a handle to get me up. That was the easy part. I had thought that the ride would at least be smooth, but every little jalt caused a domino effect. When one person would fall there would be a wave of people tumbling down. Of course the domino didn’t last long for there were so many bodies that everyone just suddenly stopped moving. I had felt so uncomfortable that every muscle I didn’t know I had tensed up. One huge bump had ended me up on top of businessman, that was just as unhappy of the sudden appearance of the 15 year old girl, as I was. The noise wasn’t as bad as I thought it would have been because everyone seemed to be on some type of electronic device that kept them busy. Nevertheless I think I would have preferred the noise because compared to the smell it would have been like listening to a dragonflies wings fluttering. The stench wasn’t just the fresh smell of the dumpster, it had all different types of intense scents that could cause you faint if you drew too close. Womens perfume, mens cologne, sweat from whatever, and other aromas that don’t need to be mentioned. It felt like hours but I was finally was able to leave. Tell me, is there anything worse than boarding a train in Korea?


  1. Nice job, Sita!!! I liked how your post was a story. I agree with you that riding a train in Seoul may be challenging but, at the end of the day I don’t think that it’s the worst thing in the world. I think that dying is probably the worst thing in the world. I looked up more facts about trains in Seoul. I found out that 5.6 million people ride the trains in Seoul everyday! Can you imagine being on a train that has transported that many people? You should look at Michelle’s post, she also wrote about trains in Seoul.


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