29 April, 2015

Traffic Madness

You groggily wake up in your car that's stuck in the traffic that has been going on for two weeks. When you get up, rice cake crumbs fall from your chin onto the small weather mat covered with food crumbs. You look up to the blinding sun, and then down at your watch. It is currently 12:15, and you smell like 4 day old fast food. You open up the door with the sticky door handle, and there is a mob of cars sputtering the last of their gas into the damp air. You get to the grassy ditch on the side of the crumbling highway and start walking up towards the front of the line. You walk for about a half hour and find yourself stranded in the middle of the highway, with nowhere to go except for your gas- empty car that's about a half hour back in this madness. Then you remember, your phone still has battery! You reach in your pocket and find... nothing. You left it back in your car, so you go back to your car, find your phone, and see 15 missed calls from your wife/husband. Good thing we don't live in Hong Kong! Just imagine it....

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