30 April, 2015

Sardines versus Humans. What's the difference?

Take a gander.
Image result for sardines in a canImage result for people being shoved in a train

Can you tell the difference? I'm pretty sure that one is a can of sardines and the other is a train of humans. But who can be sure? In fact, train pusher is a real job. Pusher  is a worker who pushes people onto the train at a railway station during the morning and evening rush hours. Can you imagine having such a job? You'd get paid for actually shoving people each day. This is a normal aspect for people who live in China, Korea, and Japan. By the 1920's subway pushers in New York were known worldwide and were disliked for reputation as "sardine packers".  This happens in  Korea, Japan, China, basically anywhere where there is a lot of people. If you can't imagine being squished in a train like that then picture this: A person giving away free iPhone sixes and everyone storming him. That's what it feels like.  Or we could call it the Domino effect. In other words, don't stand in the front of the train because: if it stops then you get about 5,000 pounds of human on you. It's that weird jolt when the train stops and everyone sort of falls. You know that feeling?The government of China is trying to counteract the pushing and shoving by putting up informative posters on how to board the metro. Yeah right, try mixing a bunch of angry/tired Chinese men/women and an informative poster on proper subway etiquette. What happens? Well... 
Image result for mushroom cloud

 I won't be there to find out. Would you rather be a Pusher or a passenger?

Written by Sherlock of Asgard [Elizabeth K]

1 comment:

  1. I think it would be more fun to be a pusher than a passenger because I could take out my anger on other people by shoving them into a train, and I would do it just for fun so that I could actually enjoy work instead of being bored out of my mind. juts wondering what would you choose, pusher who gets to shove people all day, or boring passenger who gets crammed into a train. By the way i think you should check out Audra's post i think she shares your interest in crowded conditions.


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