30 April, 2015

Subway Surfers?

Chug chug chug chug chug, the train rolls by and screeches to a halt. Hundreds of people rush forward so they can get a spot in the train. Security tries to stuff as many people in as possible. People are shoving eachother forward to get into the train, and the security is forcing people in also. Everyone is just going along with all the shoving even if they’re the one being rammed into the train. The Japanese subway station has hundreds of Japanese citizens waiting to board everyday. As soon as everyone has boarded the train, the train is off to the next stop. People’s faces are compressed against the windows and their clothing is sticking out of the train. Japan is a very populated area, which causes the commotion everyday at the subways there. Would you want to be stuck in a train with a bunch of strangers around you, allowing you to move nowhere?

1 comment:

  1. In Japan I want to ride these trains but I also don’t want to ride these trains. One reason I don’t want to ride these trains is it is way too crammed in the train. I would like to ride a train because it has a great view and it is going crazy fast. You also might be able want to see Parker’s post. Parker’s post has similar writing to yours you might learn a couple new things from his post. He talks about how cramped it is in the train and what people do to get people in the train. How would you feel if you got pushed by so many people?


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