23 March, 2017

Pirates in Africa!!!!

                The topic I have picked is pirate attacks in Africa. Something crazy that happened is in 2013 when attacks went up by 33% in the country of Guinea and that is only one country in Africa. The thing is it went up higher in 2014. What the pirates want is to raid and steal ships but they are not just regular ships. These ships have petroleum on them so when the pirates steal them they end up selling the petroleum. The majority of the people that make these attacks are Nigerian pirates. The Nigerian navy estimates that these pirates steal about 200,000 barrels a year which is equal to about 200 billion annually .That is what I know about the pirate attacks in Africa.


  1. I did not know that there were that many attacks in Guinea. I find it fascinating that there are still pirates! Did you know that the definition of pirates is a person who attacks and robs ships at sea or murders someone at sea. Would you research more in depth into this subject, if so what else would you research?

  2. I had thought of the pirates idea too!! It is really interesting and kind of scary that there are a lot of attacks including pirates with them. If they were attacking a place that I was at I would be really freaked out. Anyways, that was a really good blog and I am glad that we did the same one.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I saw that pirate article too!! It fascinated me but a lot of people did it. I cant believe this! Their is no way this happened. I am very surprised. I liked the way you used the transition words Do you think this is real ? Would you try to do more research on this?


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