23 March, 2017

Why Ignore the Giraffes?

So you probably already know that giraffes are pretty fantastic animals. They're the tallest mammals on Earth, they run, they eat, they play and all the other things that animals do in their lives. But recently, they've come into more danger then ever before, and the threat of extinction looms on the horizon. Yes, even giraffes get hunted and killed for meat and hide. That's not the only reason they're dying though, their habitat is getting destroyed by us. We're building roads,expanding settlements and taking land for agricultural reasons. It seems to me that nobody is doing anything about the problem and that makes me sad. Giraffes are wonderful animals that should be protected. As you can see, I care about giraffes and you should too. Lets all work together to preserve this incredible species. How can you do your part?
To learn more go to this link-

1 comment:

  1. To help keep the giraffe species alive, we should stop making roads where giraffes live. We can build them, just away from where animals live. Another thing we should do is to stop hunting them. To stop hunting animals in general. It's cruel, and not a "sport" at all. To keep giraffes alive, we should just leave them be in their natural habitats. No more hunting or destroying their home. We should only help them when needed. That'll keep them alive.


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