24 March, 2017

Nothing But Net

In Africa there is a wide spread of malaria, One way to cut down on the number of people being infected with this disease is the use of  insecticide-treated bed nets, What better way to raise money to buy these nets than to strike a deal with one of the best basketball players in the NBA, Steph Curry,  That is exactly what a charity organization by the name of “Nothing but Net” did. This organization made an agreement with Curry to have him send three malaria-preventing mosquito nets to Africa for every 3-pointer he made. And nets is exactly what he provided,he had 402 3-pointers sending 1,206 more families in Africa insecticide-treated bed nets. Furthermore, he flew to Tanzania to personally hang nets at refugee camp where there were 62,000 cases of malaria amid a population of 68,000. This visit was not only a life changing event for the people in Africa who got to meet Curry but was life changing for Curry himself. As you can see Curry is making a difference in Africa. What do you think he will do next?

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