23 March, 2017

Pirate attacks in Africa

It is really sad but there are pirate attacks in Africa. There was not many in 2016 but earlier in the years they recorded a lot. They have been very terrorizing attacks from them so can get money and steal other things too. There was a movie on one actually. "Captain Phillips" which was a groundbreaking movie from one of the attacks is 2009. Although it happened in 2009, it came out in 2013. Now, there are not as many attacks but when there are they are violent. Besides, thank you for reading my blog.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I thought it was really interesting that the movie Captain Phillips was made four years after the event happened. I wonder how the country doesn't track these pirates down and punish them for there acts. It was also very weird that the attacks just kinda stopped in 2016. My question for you is what you do if you were on a boat and pirates attacked you.


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