24 March, 2017

African bush Elephants are saying bye bye.

Image result for african bush elephantsAfrican bush elephants are getting close to extinct. One major factor to their extinction is poaching. People kill the elephants for their tusk. Is a peaceful animals life worth some money. The answer is no. Although you might be thinking that they are just some animal and in this world money might be more important to some people. The thing is these Bush Elephants are unique. They have longer, larger ears they use to cool them self. Also, they can grow up to 13 feet tall. We shouldn't want to kill of the tallest land animal in the world. Not one animal on this earth deserves to be murdered for money. It is sad such an elegant animal is getting smaller and smaller in numbers. African Bush Elephants are innocent.


  1. I agree with your point of view. This should not be happening. You're right that most of the people that do this really need the money, but that is not a good excuse. Any animal should not be getting killed, especially if it is only for one certain part of the animal and the rest of it is going to waste! I feel that this should be banned across the world.

  2. i agree with this post because whenever people kill elephants, they only take the tusks- and nothing else! people are wasting these animals and they should not be killed.im also 100% against any kind of killing of any animal unless its absolutely necessary. There are other ways of making money! getting an easy job would get money, and maybe even help yourself.


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