22 March, 2017

Inequity or Security Enforcement

Discrimination or safety concern? That's the question that Trump's travel ban faces. This year, the African Trade Summit in Southern California (a three day conference) had no Africans. Due to Trump's travel ban, no one could get US visas to attend the meeting. Every year, the University of California struggles with getting attendees to the meeting, but this year was different. According to thehuffingtonpost.com and theguardian.com 100% of the planned guests were unable to come. We are talking about at least 100 people. Of course, Africa has struggled before Trump's presidency with visas, but it just got real. Their is no doubt in my mind that this is a discrimination issue.

Bias towards African countries are not eliminated yet. I understand wanting to think so, but it just simply isn't so. We're are not discussing allowing terrorists in, we're discussing allowing college graduates into a TRADE MEETING for AFRICA. In other words, this isn't TRULY a safety concern here, this is just blatantly unfair. What do you think about this ban and it's effects around the world?


  1. Personally, I am NOT a fan of Trump, so the fact that he did these mean and unfair things to people of different colors doesn't surprise me. It's unbelievable that he and his colleagues are so rude and judgmental towards people that look differently than them that 100 people could not come due to the travel ban.

  2. Chloe, this is another great take from you; well crafted and of course, right on point!


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