23 March, 2017


In Sierra Leone, Pastor Emmanuel Momoh, who is also a miner found a 706 carat diamond. He gave it to President Earnest Bai Koroma. The President thanked the Pastor for not smuggling the diamond, thus this led to him saying he would reward him with some of the money that the diamond would be sold for. The government plans to sell the diamond in a auction to the highest bidder. However, the 706 carat diamond is not the largest, but it is very close. If you were the Pastor, what would you have done?
Image result for 706 carat diamond

1 comment:

  1. I think that this was a very interesting post Ryan. I learned that there are even more expencive dimonds in the world. You know if I were the pastor I would most likely look around more to see if there are more than just that around there. I would also ask the government if they could help me look for more than just that. I think that if there is that then there should be more around that area. If you were to fing that dimond would you have smuggled it for yourself?


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