21 March, 2017

Hunting Black Rhinos should not be acceptable!

There was a controversial auction regarding the endangered Black Rhino. The auction was in Africa on a Saturday morning. The auction was for a permit to hunt only one Black Rhino, for $350,000. This has been controversial whether or not Corey Knowlton-the hunter-should have been allowed this permit. In my opinion, I do not think that should have been acceptable, and they should have not had that auction at all. The Black Rhino is an another endangered species in Africa, to be able to hunt such a creature should not be acceptable.

Image result for black rhinoceros left
 I got this information from this site:


D    Do you think that paying that much money should be able to permit hunting ONE Black Rhino?



  1. I also agree with your statement Hunting Black Rhinos should not be acceptable! It really does pain me to see them being hunt down for many stupid reasons. The Black Rhino is a very endangered species and we all as humans need to protect them as much as we can. Not sell them for money, and hunt them down.

  2. I think paying that much money to hunt one black rhino is no fair. They should charge more. Like make it two million dollars so that people don't try to come and hunt because they can't afford it. If, by any chance, a rich person comes and pays, they could use the money to save the rest of the rhinos. But overall, the poor black rhino being auctioned off to hunt is a living creature too, and endangered, so they really just shouldn't do the auction. I don't understand why the horns are so valuable and why everyone wants them.


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