23 March, 2017

Stop Trophy Hunting

  Africa is home to incredible wildlife, but it also has many trophy hunters killing off its wildflife.

Trophy hunting is cruel. Due to humans killing animals for sport, animal population has

decreased. Nowadays, only about 30,000 lions survive in Africa, when there used to be 200,000.

The Black Rhino's population is down 97.6% since 1960. Less than 900 mountain gorillas remain.

We're killing off amazing creatures for sport, and it needs to stop.

  Animals in Africa are being killed for their body parts. People kill them for their tusks, pelts, and

bones, which can be sold illegally for large amounts of money. Zebras are killed for their skin. There

has been an increase in trafficking infant gorillas. If we keep on killing animals for our

needs or intrests, elephants, rhinos, and other wildlife may be gone within our lifetime.

  In my opinion, animal hunting for "sport" needs to stop. These magnificent creatures could become

extinct thanks to humans, so we need to put an end to this cruel "sport." What do you think of trophy



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I totally agree with you that trophy hunting for a "sport" is not appropriate. Trophy hunting is a terrible thing and needs to be stopped or else as you said a bunch of our magnificent creatures will be killed. It's atrocious to think people are killing animals for there body parts. Africa has so many incredible animals, and it's not okay to have so many people kill animals that are to the point of extinction.

  3. I agree 100% that trophy hunting should be stopped. There are a lot of beautiful and magnificent creatures in the world, and they do not deserve to be killed. I also agree that if this isn't stopped then creatures could get extinct. There are amazing creatures in Africa and it’s completely unfair to kill them for this “sport”.


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