23 March, 2017

Recreational African Dancing

If you know me you'd know I love dance. I love going to competition, dancing for fun, and learning from different instructors. As for the article, I focused on the recreational dance portion. It interests me that dance is the largest form of recreation in Africa! Almost everyone dances. How awesome is that? However, sexes are kept controlled and separate when dancing.

Yoruba in Nigeria performing a dance in honour of the god Shango.

In the 1950s, Highlife was a popular, urban recreational style of dance, and it all started in Ghana with instruments. It expresses independence. I, too, express independence when I dance. Now there are different styles and music in the four regions. If you are interested, there are many included in the article provided. In my opinion, the cha-cha is the best of course. What's your favorite style?

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