21 March, 2017

The Gigantic groups of Giants

On the coast of South Africa there has been an unusual occurrence. Groups of up to 200 whales have been spotted, three years in a row. Now it may not seem like a big deal, but when you compare it to the 1-4 groups it is gigantic. Officials say it is for fish hunting purposes, due to the "abundance of fish". In my opinion it is a little creepy. Animals know a lot that humans don't, so what if parts of the ocean were getting destroyed? The population has been increasing from the population that fell 200,000 whales last century. As you can see this is a strange but wonderful occurrence, and I would love to see it. Would you?

1 comment:

  1. Woah! How bizarre! I agree with you, there must be a reason. I looked at the website you provided and it appeared odd that they would be in groups when they don't exactly enjoy being social. Did you know that they usually are found in groups of one or two? This leads me to believe that there is a real "evacuation" going on. I really hope that they're ok.


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