26 March, 2017

One of the Rarest gorillas

The Mountain Gorilla is a very endangered species and it is super hard to find  the reason is, The overall population of the Mountain Gorilla is around 880 left. The full name of the mountain Gorilla is Gorilla Beringei Beringei. The Mountain Gorilla is very powerful and strong, but they are usually very gentle and shy. The adult males began to grow gray hair on there back which is why, they are called silver backs. So why do you think this species are endangered and are slowly decreasing each day.Image result for mountain gorilla

1 comment:

  1. Pricco this was very interesting! I think that they're population is slowly decreasing and they are endangered because people are hunting and killing the gorillas. I didn’t know anything about these types of gorillas. I also like their full name. My question is where in africa do the gorillas mainly live? Nice job!


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