23 March, 2017

Snowboarding In Africa?

Afri-Ski is one of the only places where you can snowboard and ski in Africa however it is only open part time due to weather. The times that it is open are usually during their winter times. During the on the season like August through July, you can get a lift ticket for around  $250 dollars. As you can see it is kind of expensive, but it is worth the experience. In conclusion, the whole trip is a time that you will never forget. Would you want to go?


  1. I think your blog was well written and well thought-out. Did you know that there are more ski-resorts in Africa? Some of them are Oukaimeden,Chréa,and Ifrane. Everybody thinks Africa is just one big desert, but it actually is diverse with climate. So, it’s nice that you brought up a topic that not many people know about.

  2. I think this blog you did about skiing in Africa is very detailed and lots of effort put into it. Did you know that the resort Tiffindell is the worst resort there because it doesn't get as much snow as the other resorts.The reason there's not a lot of snow is because there resort is higher than the snowy mountains, but further north where it is mostly dry. The best resorts to go to are the Oukaimeden, Chrea, and Ifrane resorts. I think that Africa is more than just a desert, but they have lots of different climate zones. I think this is a great topic to talk about because a lot of people think it's a poor country, but they have great activities to do.


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