21 March, 2017

The CUTEST and SMALLEST fox in the world!

Do you like cute animals? Do you like foxes? If you do, then the African fennec fox is the critter that will interest you. It is the smallest of all the world's foxes and weighs only up to three point five pounds, but has gargantuan six inch ears. In the wild, they live in deserts. I have held one once and it was extremely fluffy!

Now you may be thinking: "Adorable! where can I get one?" but these cuddly creatures can be quite hard to take care of. They can run as fast as 20-30 miles per hour, as fast as a truck, so once they manage to escape, it will be seriously hard to catch them. They also mark their territory by urinating, causing a big cleanup.              

 Do think you would like to have a fennec fox as a pet?


  1. No, although I would love to have a Fennec Fox as a pet, and bet it would definitely be worth it once it can recognize its own name. I think the training I would have to do would be too much for me. Also the fact that it can run as fast as a truck scares me. It can run away quickly, which means a waste of money, and if it rams into furniture, I'm sure it would break the furniture and gravely hurt itself.Being so small and weighing as much as a feather, I think that the people around it would accidentally hurt the fox. Overall, it would be a great pet, once you train it, but for me, I think it would be too overwhelming.

  2. As soon as I saw this cute creature in the textbook, my heart melted. It's so adorable. I wouldn't want one as a pet, but I'd love to hold one just like you did. They seem very high maintenance! There would be too much pee to take care of. The way they play reminds me of a cat. Where did you get to hold one? What animal do Fennec Foxes remind you of most?

  3. I got to hold one at a hotel in Florida. There was a caretaker who specialized in taking care of weird and cute animals who came to visit. If you are going to hold one, than hold it so your arms are under it's arms then it's feet won't push off and it can run away. The caretaker told me it had once gotten away and it took two days and a crew of eight people to catch it.


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