23 March, 2017

Attack and Murder at own home.

British women and farmer Susan Howarth and her husband Robert Lynn were attacked by being tied up, stabbed and tortured by a blow torch for hours by three masked men. Also the men attempted to strangle Mr.Lynn with a bag. In addition to the tortureThey were bundled into there own truck and taken to the roadside and were shot. Mrs.Howarth (64) was shot twice in the head and Mr.Lynn (66) was shot in the neck. He miraculously survived and managed to flag down a passer-by. Mrs.Howarth was later found in a ditch with brutal and serious injuries and she was as the police said "unrecognizable". She was taken to a hospital and was put on life support but due to her severe injuries  she sadly passed away two days later. Farm attacks like what happened to Mr.Lynn and Mrs.Howarth happen almost everyday. What do you think should be done about the farm attacks?


  1. Man, this is dark for someone to do. I think that there should be money put into the security of these farms to stop these terrible attacks from happening. I like how you did your post but i must ask, when did most of these attacks happen? Nice Blog!!

  2. Wow, that is terrible. I wouldn't think that would happen their. People should look for them and raise awareness. I agree with Raul when did these happen? In the article it says the couple were 240km from the nearest capital city which is really far away. If that happened to me I would freak out.


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