20 December, 2017

Why I think the Babylonians are the best(cause my opinion matters the most)

Why I think the Babylonians are the best(cause my opinion matters the most)  

       I think the Babylonians were were the best civilization because they invented many useful gadgets and ideas that are still in circulation today. One thing they invented was calendars, a thing use very frequently in our every day to day lives. Without calendars we wouldn't be able to keep track of  of day, month, or year we we were in, resulting in a totally lost society. We also would not know how much time has passed or how much time we hypothetically have left. The Babylonians also improved up on mathematics and also invented the map and astronomy. These inventions helped us dramatically boosting our knowledge to the next level. The wheel is also a huge advance in technology that also shaped the way our society works today. The reason I value the Babylonians so much is because of their power of knowledge and innovative minds.    

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